Post Sleep Training Advice
We have a tendency as humans to forget just how bad things were once the memory of the trauma starts to fade. I mean, HELLOOO childbirth?! Who actually remembers the ACTUAL pains? This is obviously by G-ds design, because otherwise many woman would never have another baby after the first one.
In my years of experience, this happens with sleep training too. You forget jut how bad things can get, so you might begin to let things slide after having successfully sleep trained your little one. So as your fairy sleep-mother, I'm going to give you some friendly reminders to keep you from falling back into old habits.
Light stimulates the release of cortisol, a stimulating hormone that can impair your little one's ability to fall asleep, or wake them up prematurely. Keep your child's sleeping area as dark as you can possibly make it and avoid any light-emitting devices, such as nightlights, whenever possible. (Though if you do use a nightlight, stick to red or amber colors!)
Cortisol is also released when your child stays awake for too long, a condition commonly referred to as "overtiredness." Staying on a consistent schedule is the best way to adhere to the ideal "awake window" and prevent overtiredness from sabotaging your little one's sleep.
Setting and sticking to a consistent bedtime helps reinforce your child's circadian rhythm. It also helps minimize any protest around going to sleep when the rule is clearly established and regularly adhered to.
Consistency is probably the most important point in general with anything related to child-rearing. And bedtime is not the only area where consistency can save you a lot of anguish. As babies enter the toddler years, their tendency to test boundaries can become almost relentless. Although it can often seem like they are "testing the waters," this behavior is almost always an attempt to reassure themselves that the rules are still in effect. Knowing what is expected of them, and experiencing predictable consequences when those expectations are not met, is the best way to keep your little one feeling confident and secure.
The Importance of Sleep.
Sleep is essential. It is vital for our physical and emotional well-being, and not just when we are young. You've done great work helping your baby learn the skills they need to get a great night's sleep, but sleep hygiene is just like diet and exercise. It requires ongoing effort and commitment to reap the benefits. And a happier, healthier life is just a small part of the tremendous reward for that extra bit of effort.